As technology rapidly advances, tech refreshes have become a necessity for most businesses. While purchasing new tech is an exciting next step, determining what to do with the leftover pile of e waste can sometimes evoke feelings of uncertainty.

Fortunately, when you partner with a certified electronics recycler, you’re making a crucial decision that protects your brand, your data security and the environment. 

If you’ve been considering electronics recycling for your business, but are unsure how to get started, we’ve got you covered with our new comprehensive guide to corporate electronics recycling.

Your Comprehensive Guide to Corporate Electronics Recycling

Are you wondering if your business should implement an e waste recycling program, what IT assets qualify for recycling, or what to look for when choosing an electronics recycler? If so, you’ll want to check out our newest guide for businesses, “How to Create a Reliable Revenue Stream from Your Company’s E Waste.” 

Our team of experts have created a go-to resource that covers those topics and more to help answer many of your most pressing electronics recycling questions and concerns. This valuable guidebook will help you assess whether you’re in possession of assets that can be resold or recycled via electronics recycling. Our corporate electronics recycling handbook covers how to set up your own corporate electronics recycling program, as well as tips and tricks of the trade. 

Inside, you’ll discover:

  • How a well-run corporate electronics recycling program can set your business apart from the competition
  • The major benefits of setting up an e waste recycling system
  • Ways to recoup assets through e waste and IT asset disposition
  • How electronics recycling positions your business as a leader in sustainability efforts
  • Legal consequences of improperly disposing of private or sensitive business or customer data
  • What the typical IT asset disposition and revenue sharing process looks like
  • Certifications and qualifications you should look for when choosing an electronics recycling partner
  • Best practices for maintaining and storing your used electronics to maximize your value recovery

Answering Your FAQs about ITAD

Our guide addresses the most common questions and customer concerns we have received from our decades of experience within the IT recycling business. From whether or not you’ll receive a return on your spent IT assets, to what types of electronics recycling projects are feasible, this handy resource is a must read for any business wondering whether or not corporate electronics recycling is a revenue stream worth exploring. 

Whether your IT assets are in prime shape to be resold for profit in secondary markets, mined for base or precious metals, or simply need to be securely disposed of to protect sensitive or proprietary business data, your business benefits from partnering with a certified electronics recycler. Review our guide, or contact us today to see how your business can incorporate sustainability and value recovery efforts into your ITAD strategy in the future.  

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Untapped Resource: How a Corporate Electronics Recycling Program Can Save Your Business Money and Time

4 Common Questions Businesses Ask About IT Recycling — And the Answers

This is How Easy it is For Businesses to Capitalize on ITAD Recycling

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